Push stalled deals forward

When deals in your pipeline drift off course, Saleboat plugs directly into your CRM and browser to uncover and prioritize them.
Then, we steer your AEs to take action.
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Here, no deal
gets lost at sea.

Steady your course.

As a sales manager, your mission is to ensure no valuable deal drifts out of sight. But in the day-to-day, promising deals can fade as AEs balance the boatload already on their plate.

Ensure your crew knows which opportunities require their focus to reach the next destination. Saleboat integrates with your CRM to systematically shine a light on stalled deals within your AEs’ regular workflow.

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Navigate next steps.

In sales, timing and focus are key. Saleboat is your team’s personal navigator, prioritizing next steps for each deal and AE. No more wondering what to do and when to do it.

Whether it's a call, an email, or a meeting, Saleboat ensures AEs invest their time in actions that sale you towards your revenue goals. 

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Build pipeline momentum.

Successful sales leadership requires keeping momentum with every deal. Expand your scope so that no opportunity fades on your watch.

Saleboat automatically highlights dimming opportunities and deal progress so you can coach your AEs with actionable data. With a focused team and pipeline full of potential, reaching your revenue destination becomes easier than ever.

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