Sales Management

4 Ways to Incentivize Your Sales Team

Sales Management
Lindy H.
Date Published
November 18, 2024

Ways to incentivize sales team – if you’ve ever plugged this into google, you’re in the right place. Setting incentives for your reps can be a powerful way to motivate your sales team to go the extra mile, but doing so isn’t always an easy task. It can be difficult to align their performance with your company goals – even more so when incentives are based on criteria that don't directly impact generating revenue.

Stop wondering how to incentivize your sales team and start putting the wheels in motion. Here are 4 ways to develop an incentive plan your team can’t resist (and your bottom line will thank you for): 

Commission Tiers

Who doesn’t love extra money? Set up commission tiers for your sales team that increase depending on the amount of revenue they bring in. Knowing more money is on the line will encourage your sales team to keep pounding the pavement to get more sales each cycle.


Throw in additional bonuses for upselling additional services or getting a client to pay for a year upfront (instead of paying monthly, for example). Also, consider implementing quarterly bonuses when sales reps meet specific goals.

Encourage Service Upgrades

Paying your sales reps a commission only on the customer’s first year of service? Consider offering an additional commission if they can get the customer to upgrade to a higher tiered service. The commission can be paid based on the additional revenue that is brought in by the customer upgrading their service. This helps to ensure that the sales rep is doing everything they can to make sure the customer is happy enough to upgrade.

Pay Commissions Based on What the Customer Pays

Discounts can be a great way to get a customer who is on the fence to commit but the sales rep’s commission should reflect this reduced revenue sale. 

For example, if the sales rep offers a free month of service, they shouldn’t get paid commission for that month of the contract. If the customer cancels after two months, they should only receive commission for that two month time period. This will help to avoid over-promising and under-delivering. If the customer cancels after a few months then this will affect their paycheck.


Creating a commission tier based on rep interactions that actually move deals through the pipeline can motivate your sales team to focus their effort on the right tasks. Adding a tool like Saleboat to your tech stack can show your team exactly what activities they're spending time on and what types of activities are putting them closer to a deal. Talk about motivation.

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